10 Common Poisonous Plants for Dogs

Some dogs like to chew on plants, but others just put them on the floor and leave them there. This lack of appreciation for flowers, trees, and weeds can be dangerous to your canine friend. While dogs are not particularly susceptible to most plant matter, they can still be affected by them.
The most common form in which certain plants or pollen can affect dogs is because of an allergy. While this does not generally pose a serious issue, it is a condition that sometimes can exacerbate. If your find out your dog is allergic to something, it’s best to use reputable allergy medicine on them whenever the condition flares up. But, certain plants can be more than allergic to dogs. They can be poisonous. Fortunately, plants that are poisonous to dogs usually contain small amounts of toxins that will cause gastrointestinal issues if ingested. That said, best to avoid these kinds of plants in your home if you plan on having a pet.
Here Are The 10 Common Poisonous Plants for Dogs:
This evergreen tree is extremely poisonous. All parts of the plant, especially the berries, can cause nervousness, trembling, and sudden death if ingested. That said, if you have yew trees in your backyard, it’s crucial to monitor your dogs and prevent them from chewing on the leaves or even the berries. And if you have less time on your hands to spend on timely inspections, you may want to think of a more permanent solution. Maybe consider removing the tree with a battery operated chainsaw as this can help in preventing your dog from ingesting any portions of the tree including the berries. However, if you suspect your dog has ingested any part of a yew tree, contact your veterinarian immediately for guidance and potential treatment.
Sago Palm
Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta) is a shrub or small tree grown for its large flowers, edible fruit, and crunchy leaves. It can be grown as an ornamental or ordered online in bulk for natural decorations. However, if you have dogs, the sago palm is a poisonous plant. Dogs, like cats, are attracted to the enticingly sweet fruit, but when they ingest it orally, the fruit can cause irritation of the mouth, stomach, and intestines and vomiting. If ingested in large doses, sago palm can cause severe liver and kidney damage and even death.
We love our pets, but they can be destructive to some things. Ivy plants are among the most common poisonous plants for dogs and cats, so keep these common garden plants well away from your pets. Ivy plants, also known as Hedera helix, are a popular addition to any garden due to their attractive foliage. People love how they look, which makes it tempting for some to put these in their backyards. While ivy plants look nice and can add colour to a yard, you must keep them away from your pets to avoid serious health problems.
Gladiola plants are poisonous to humans, but your dog’s mouth may not be as discriminating as yours. In fact, if your dog ingests any part of the gladiola plant, such as petals, leaves, or stems, he could experience stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhoea, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, and even death. Keep gladiola plants out of your dog’s reach, and take your dog to the vet right away if you notice any side effects.
The list of poisonous plants for dogs can seem endless, and while there is some overlap, there are some plants that are riskier than others. The most dangerous plants for dogs are vines, which are not usually as poisonous as berries or leaves but can be dangerous when chewed. Amaryllis, or Easter Lily, is one such plant, though there is debate as to whether it is toxic or merely dangerous if ingested, as a dog’s digestive system puts it through its paces and can easily become irritable or inflamed.
Daffodils, a popular spring flower, are a bright addition to any garden. However, they are poisonous to dogs. Dogs that ingest any part of a daffodil can suffer vomiting and diarrhoea, and in serious cases, they may go into kidney failure.
Aloe Vera
When ingested by dogs, the thick, fleshy leaves of the Aloe plant can block the oesophagal passage. It can also cause severe vomiting in the dog. It can cause vomiting, abdominal bloating, and diarrhoea. Aloe can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines. Dogs should be monitored closely when drinking aloe juice. It is important to closely monitor your dog after drinking aloe juice. If poisoning occurs, contact your veterinarian or an emergency hospital immediately.
Milkweed is the common name for the plant genus Asclepias, which contains more than 250 species. People commonly recognize Asclepias species from the common milkweed plants growing in their gardens or along roadsides. Most people know Asclepias plants as butterflies, but dogs (and cats) can also have a toxic reaction to them as well.
Baby’s Breath
Baby’s breath is so pretty it’s become a popular plant, and for a good reason, it’s super easy to grow. But all is not roses in the garden, as it could spell trouble for your beloved pooch. While most people associate this plant with weddings, it’s actually poisonous to dogs. The seeds and leaves of these plants contain saponins, which in large enough amounts can cause skin irritation, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
Castor Bean
The Castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) is a flowering shrub that grows wild throughout much of North America. It is also commonly cultivated as a garden ornamental. The beans are toxic to both people and dogs, and ingestion of all parts of this plant can cause severe gastrointestinal distress and potentially death.
Poisonous plants can cause severe and irreversible damage if fed to pets, so it’s important that owners are aware of the dangers of certain plants. However, many common plants aren’t toxic and can be safely fed to dogs. Before allowing your dog to eat any leaves or stems, however, check to make sure they don’t contain toxic chemicals, which can cause serious illness in dogs.